Mac版 FastEverですね。LaunchBarとの組み合わせも絶好調です。本当にお勧め。
Evernoteへ超絶簡単にメモ出来るスクリプトがとにかく素晴らしすぎる! | goryugo, addicted to Evernote
感じ通信さんのとこで紹介されていた Evernote Daily Diary というスクリプト。
思いついたメモを Evernote に – 感じ通信
Evernote Daily Diary – Veritrope
Modified from an older post on Juggling Eggs…this script creates a notebook called Daily Diary and then creates a new note for the day with the date as the title. If the note exists then content is appended.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 |
(* BEGIN HANDLER CALL NOTE: I have added a new portion to the script so that users who aren't familiar with how to use a handler can run the Script directly and check it out. If you'd like to use this as a handler in your own AppleScript, Just delete or comment out the portion of code between "BEGIN HANDLER CALL" and "END HANDLER CALL"! *) set notetext to text returned of (display dialog "Evernote Entry" default answer "") my handle_string(notetext) on handle_string(notetext) if notetext is not "" then CreateDailyEvernote(notetext) end if end handle_string (* END HANDLER CALL *) on CreateDailyEvernote(txt) set t0 to do shell script "date +'%Y/%m/%d'" set t to "memo: " & t0 set timeStr to time string of (current date) tell application "Evernote" set foundNotes to find notes "notebook:\"" & nb & "\"" & " intitle:\"" & t & "\"" set found to ((length of foundNotes) is not 0) if not found then set curnote to create note with html "<h3>Entry : " & timeStr & "</h3>" title t notebook nb if (not (tag named tagName exists)) then make tag with properties {name:tagName} end if set curtag to tag named tagName assign curtag to curnote tell curnote to append html "<br;>" tell curnote to append text txt tell curnote to append html "<br;>" set question to display dialog "Include clipboard?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 2 set answer to button returned of question if answer is equal to "Yes" then if (the clipboard) is not "" then tell curnote to append html "<h3>Clipboard</h3>" tell curnote to append text the clipboard end if end if tell curnote to append html "<hr>" else repeat with curnote in foundNotes tell curnote to append html "<h3>Entry : " & timeStr & "</h3>" tell curnote to append text txt tell curnote to append html "<br;>" set clipTxt to the clipboard set question to display dialog "Include clipboard?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 2 set answer to button returned of question if answer is equal to "Yes" then tell curnote to append html "<h3>Clipboard</h3>" tell curnote to append text the clipboard end if tell curnote to append html "<hr>" end repeat end if activate end tell end CreateDailyEvernote |
- 一日一つのファイルになる(追記される)。
- クライアントのEvernoteと繋ぐのでオフラインでも使える
- LaunchBarから使うとキーボードから一切手を離さずにEvernoteにメモをできるのでとにかく思考にロスがない
今回はAppleScriptを使う方法だったわけですが、Workflow(Automator)もあるし、Webだけでなくクライアント側も結構面白そうです。Evernoteが提供しているAppleScriptで使えるAPIは、Apple Script Editorのメニューで「ファイル」→「用語説明を開く」で表示されるダイアログからEvernoteを選択することで参照することができます。
Integrating with Evernote for Mac | Evernote Corporation
In version 1.11.0, the Evernote for Mac client has significantly expanded support for AppleScript. The Evernote AppleScript Dictionary provides access to notebooks, tags, notes and a subset of their properties.
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