ミッション作成が Lv9 以上のエージェントに公開されました
いつもお世話になっている IIngress攻略(Wiki風味)【大規模社会実験】 さんのニュースで知りました。
【MMMMORPG】Ingress攻略(Wiki風味)【大規模社会実験】: MISSION作成ツールのβテスター公開範囲が拡大しました
今までは、ほんの一部のユーザに公開されていたミッション作成機能が Lv 9 以上のエージェントに公開されたそうです。
ナイアンティック の公式メッセージはこちら。
Missions encourage Agents to explore local Portals and Field Trip Waypoints, to revisit the paths of earlier XM Anomalies, and to test their knowledge of the +Niantic Project. Some of our favorite missions include hacking tours of Rome that retrace the Roman Imperial Army’s marching path, haunted ghost walks in Monterrey, and Nine Views, a scale model of our Solar System in Zagreb. Up to now, access to the Mission Authoring Tool has been limited to a small number of Beta Testers. Today, we’re opening the Missions Closed Beta to verified Agents L9 and above. For more info, check out the help article at http://goo.gl/B7jFSj. +NIA Ops will be in touch with additional Beta Testers shortly, so stay tuned.
via: Missions encourage Agents to explore local Portals and Field Trip Waypoints, to…
Create Ingress Missions: the basics – Ingress Help
Other tips for creating high-quality Missions:
Popular Missions adhere to a theme; some ideas for possible themes:
- Missions that allow Agents to explore the city, whether it’s the best food, coolest art, top tourist must-do activities and locations, etc.
- Missions that cover history or historical figures, like a MIssion along the Boston Freedom Trail or a Mission tracing important points in the life of Ralph Waldo Emerson.
- Pop culture Missions, like tours of movie locations or a local band’s favorite spots to eat, drink and relax around the city.
- College campus tours.
- Fitness (e.g., Hacking all Portals along a rigorous hiking trail or running path).
via: Mission criteria – Ingress Help
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